

Giovanni Lauffer

Grab a Duck

Grab a Duck is a game where players have to play in the bathtub, as a bathtub toy boat. Opposing teams try to steal each other’s bathtub ducks and drag them back on their own goal. 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 multiplayer mode is available. The player who scores the most goals wins the game. Players can also use the cannons on each side of the boat to shoot each other down, if you die you will re-spawn. You can only score points by a goal. Killing the opposing team is only to slow them down.
This game was made in 4 weeks, with a group consisting of 2 engineers, and 4 designers named Dead Salmon. My job was to brainstorm the idea of ​​the game along with my teammates (Djordy Donopawiro, Kirara Chalfant, Jeffrey Kortekaas).
I also want to give special thanks to the engineers that coded the game in Unity. Thanks to Nikita Bulabuiev, and exchange student Daniel Tarsoly.
I am really proud of this first-year project, we won the best (first-year category) game at the Heim Museum in Hengelo, The Netherlands.